Forekast is the calendar of the internet — a collection of the most epic events ever experienced by mankind.
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How It Works
Award Votes
Events on Forekast are posted and voted on by the community. As votes accumulate, the most popular events rise to the top, creating a clear timeline of the best upcoming events.
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Users can add tips and updates to events to further enhance the content. Comments allow users to share awesome information which may not have been included in the original post.
Customize Subkasts
All events belong to categories, called “subkasts”, which makes it easy to customize your experience. Subscribe to various subkasts of interest to tailor your calendar to you.
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It’s easy to add an event to your personal calendar so you never miss events you’re excited about. Or, share them on your favorite social media app for later. We’ve got you covered.
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Get the best of the week in your inbox. We send out an email each Monday detailing the hottest events of the week infused with our brand of witty banter, so you’re always infotained.
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